- Internship House Officer, Sohag University Hospitals from 1/3/1996 to 28/2/1997.
- Resident in Urology, Urology and Nephrology Centre, Sohag University from 1/3/1997 to 28/2/2000.
- Assistant lecturer of Urology, Urology and Nephrology Centre, Sohag University from 1/3/2000 to 26/7/2006.
- lecturer of Urology, Urology and Nephrology Centre, Sohag University from 27/7/2006 to 20/9/2011
- Associate professor of Urology, Urology and Nephrology Centre, Sohag University from 21/9/2011 up till 20/9/2016
- Professor of urology, Urology and Nephrology Centre, Sohag University from 21/9/2016 uptill now
- Reviewer in the Egyptian Professors graduations committee (26/7/2017).
- Secretery of the Egyptian endourology section(from 5/9/2011 TILL 4/12/2017).
- Chairman of the Egyptian endourology section from 4/12/2017).
- Board member (EULIS) European section urolithiasis -European urological association.(12/5/2017).(Here is the link: http://uroweb.org/section/
eulis/information/ Please click on 'board' on the left side and e 'pop-up-screen' will open automatically). - Board member - PCNL group (IAU) - INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE UROLITHIASIS (2 -10- 2018)
- Board Member (EAU) European Section Of Endourology (2024)